It’s July which means it’s National Ice Cream Month! At Katy Kids Dentist, we love Blue Bell ice cream and our favorite flavors consist of homemade vanilla and chocolate. So tasty! If we really want to go the extra mile, we love topping our ice cream with sprinkles and hot fudge, with a cherry on top.
In regards to oral health, we understand that every now and again we have sweet treats, but it’s important to limit the amount. Sugary drinks and snacks can ultimately have negative consequences to not only your oral health, but also your overall health.
If you're looking for some healthy alternatives to sweets and sugary drinks, we recommend water infused with fruit or homemade popsicles. Not only are these tasty alternatives, but they can be fun to make!
Regardless of what you consume, it’s important that you stay on top of your oral health routine. Ensure you are brushing your teeth once in the morning and once at night for two minutes with fluoridated toothpaste. And don’t forget to floss!
If you have an upcoming visit or haven’t been to our office in a while, please note we are still restricting the number of accompanying members of the patient to just one. In addition, we are still having patients complete our Covid-19 questionnaire and performing temperature checks before you enter the office. If you are looking to book an appointment, please give us a call.
From all of us at Katy Kids Dentist, we hope you have a safe and fun-filled summer!